

发布时间:2025-01-19 09:25:01    浏览:250

本文摘要:Barack Obama has declared cyber threats from abroad a “national emergency”, as he took action to impose sanctions on overseas actors engaging in cyber attacks that threaten the US’s national security or economic health.美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(Barack Obama)宣告来自国外的网络威胁是“国家紧急状态”,他采取行动,对发动网络攻击、严重威胁美国国家安全性或经济身体健康的海外行为主体实行制裁。

Barack Obama has declared cyber threats from abroad a “national emergency”, as he took action to impose sanctions on overseas actors engaging in cyber attacks that threaten the US’s national security or economic health.美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(Barack Obama)宣告来自国外的网络威胁是“国家紧急状态”,他采取行动,对发动网络攻击、严重威胁美国国家安全性或经济身体健康的海外行为主体实行制裁。The US president’s executive order gives his government new powers to target significant cyber threats that affect critical infrastructure, disrupt the availability of websites or networks, or steal trade secrets or financial information, such as large troves of credit card data.美国总统的行政命令彰显其政府新的权力,压制那些影响了关键基础设施、妨碍网站或网络的可用性、盗取商业机密或财务信息(比如大量信用卡数据)的相当严重网络威胁。US officials declined to name potential targets of the new sanctions but said, as an example, that the executive order could be used against individual hackers hired by companies or countries.美国官员不愿说明新的制裁的有可能目标,但回应举例来说,该行政命令可被用作压制不受公司或国家雇用的个体黑客。

The US has already ratcheted up its response to cyber breaches, imposing additional sanctions in January on agencies and officials in North Korea, which it blamed for the breach at Sony Pictures Entertainment last year. In May 2014, it indicted five Chinese soldiers for hacking into six US companies.美国早已逐步增大了针对网络入侵的对此力度,今年1月美国向朝鲜的机构和官员产生额外制裁,谴责他们要对去年索尼影视娱乐(Sony Pictures Entertainment)受到的网络攻击负责管理。2014年5月,美国对5名中国军人明确提出刑事罪名,称之为其非法入侵6家美国公司的计算机系统。It is unclear whether the new authority will be used in cases that could raise political tensions, such as sanctions against Chinese officials.目前还不确切这项新的权力不会会被用作有可能引起政治紧绷的情况,比如对中国官员产生制裁。

The new authority closes gaps that have posed a challenge to US law enforcement, such as cyber threats from countries that do not have extradition treaties with the US, lack strong cyber security laws or turn a blind eye to such attacks.这项新的权力填补了对美国执法人员部门包含挑战的空白,比如网络威胁的发源地国家与美国没遣返条约,缺少强有力的网络安全法律,或者对此类反击视而不见。The US hopes the executive order will encourage other countries to consider such sanctions, said Michael Daniel, special assistant to the president and cyber security co-ordinator. Potential punishments include freezing assets under US jurisdiction, such as bank accounts, and prohibiting US citizens or entities from engaging in transactions with those under sanctions.美国总统尤其助理兼任网络安全协调员迈克尔丹尼尔(Michael Daniel)回应,美国期望这项行政命令将希望其他国家考虑到此类制裁。有可能的惩罚还包括失效在美国首府范围的资产,如银行账户,以及禁令美国公民或实体与不受制裁目标展开交易。A spate of devastating cyber breaches at JPMorgan Chase, Target, health insurer Anthem and others has prompted the Obama administration to encourage more information sharing on cyber threats between government agencies and with the private sector.摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)、Target公司、医疗保险公司Anthem等企业屡屡遭的破坏性网络攻击,促成奥巴马政府希望政府机构与私营部门共享更加多网络威胁信息。

Legislation that would encourage such exchanges is again being considered in Congress. Similar bills have stalled in the past because of privacy concerns but lawmakers are hoping recent hack attacks will give new momentum to the proposals.美国国会于是以再度考虑到关于希望此类信息交流的法律。出于隐私忧虑,过去类似于法案曾不了了之,但立法者们期望近期的网络攻击将给与涉及议案新的动力。“Cyber threats pose one of the most serious economic and national security challenges to the United States, and my administration is pursuing a comprehensive strategy to confront them,” Mr Obama said in a statement.奥巴马在一份声明中回应:“网络威胁对美国经济和国家安全性包含最相当严重的挑战之一,我的政府正在实行一项综合策略来应付这些威胁。”Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder of cyber security firm CrowdStrike, said he was optimistic the new sanctions would “raise the cost to our cyber adversaries and establish a more effective deterrent framework to punish actors”.网络安全公司CrowdStrike的牵头创始人德米特里阿尔佩罗维奇(Dmitri Alperovitch)回应,他寄予厚望新的制裁措施,它们将“减少我们的网络输掉的成本,创建一个更加有效地的威慑框架来惩罚那些行为主体。


