

发布时间:2025-01-11 09:25:01    浏览:272

本文摘要:Australian scientists said Monday they had made a breakthrough in increasing the efficiency of solar panels, which they hope could eventually lead to cheaper sources of renewable energy.澳大利亚的科学家们周一回应,他们在提升太阳能电池板效能方面获得了突破,期望可以以更加较低的成本用于可再生能源。

Australian scientists said Monday they had made a breakthrough in increasing the efficiency of solar panels, which they hope could eventually lead to cheaper sources of renewable energy.澳大利亚的科学家们周一回应,他们在提升太阳能电池板效能方面获得了突破,期望可以以更加较低的成本用于可再生能源。In what the University of New South Wales described as a world first, the researchers were able to convert more than 40 percent of sunlight hitting the panels into electricity.据新南威尔士大学,研究者们能将太阳光在面板上超强40%的阳光转化成为电能,这是世界的先例。This is the highest efficiency ever reported for sunlight conversion into electricity, UNSW Professor Martin Green said in a statement.新南威尔士大学的教授MartinGreen 在一份声明中说道,“这是所有获得报导的将太阳能切换为电能的案例中效率最低的一例”。

We used commercial solar cells, butin a new way, so these efficiency improvements are readily accessible to the solar industry.“我们用于的是商用太阳能电池板,但我们用于的方式有所不同,这些提高的效益迅速将被应用于到太阳能行业”。While traditional methods use one solarcell, which limits the conversion of sunlight to electricity to about 33 percent, the newer technology splits the sunlight into four different cells,which boosts the conversion levels, Green told AFP.Green对法新社说道,传统用于方式将转化率掌控在了33%,而改版的技术能将阳光集中在4块有所不同的电池板上,这样就提升了切换水平。The record efficiency level was achieved intests in Sydney and replicated at the United Statesgovernments National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the university said.该大学回应,他们在悉尼测验的时候取得了刷新记录的效率等级,在美国国家可再生能源实验室再度取得了这一记录。

Green is hopeful the technology can also eventually be used for solarpanels mounted on peoples roofs, which he said currently had a 15 to 18 percent efficiency rate.Green期望这项技术最后将可以被应用于到太阳能电池板并经常出现在家家户户的屋顶上,因为目前人们用于的太阳能电池板转化成效率只有15%~18%。The panels that you have on the roof of your home, at the moment they just have a single cell but eventually theyll have several different cells... and theyll be able to improve their efficiencyto this kind of level, he told AFP.他对法新社说道,“你们家屋顶加装的太阳能电池板当前只有单块电池板,但必将不会被几块有所不同的电池板替代。而这些电池板能将转化成效率提高到这个水平”。

He was confident that in a decade solar-generated electricity would be cheaper than that produced by coal.他热情地回应,十年后,利用太阳能发电的成本将高于煤炭发电的成本。


